Archive | November, 2011


25 Nov

It’s time to again think about Christmas gifts and FLY FISHING DOJO has several unique Christmas themed logo products that are ONLY available here.

All FFD logo products are designed to earn a black belt rating for reliability and customer service.

Here is a sampling of a few of the Christmas products emblazoned with the unique Fly Fishing Dojo logo, sure to make the fly fisherman in your life smile on Christmas morning.


Purchase your own unique, one-of-a-kind- FFD Christmas ornament. Link to purchase:


Give Santa a convenient place to put all those “stocking-stuffers” – the unique FFD logo stocking. Link to purchase:


An alternative snowflake design to the FFD logo stocking. Link to purchase:

In addition, let the fly fisherman in your life know how much you care about them with


You can click here for a FREE video preview: . You can also read purchaser testimonials by clicking this convenient link:

Tell the fisherman in your family that you care about their physical and spiritual well-being. For only $ 11.99, you can purchase Sensei John’s unique Sanchin DVD safely & securely on e-bay, and let the fisherman you love start to improve their well-being.

Information on how to purchase Sanchin tutorial products may be found by clicking this convenient link:

Don’t delay and “window-shop” the unique FFD logo store featuring over 20 different logo products from the convenience of your own home – purchase safely and securely with the established online store hosted with CafePress. Link:

Thank-you for considering a FLY FISHING DOJO product to make your Christmas and Holiday enjoyable and memorable.

Sensei John

Sensei John is available for lectures on the interrelationship of fly fishing and martial arts protocol, ideology and philosophy. Please see the “LECTURES & LESSONS” Page tab above for more information.

Follow FLY FISHING DOJO on FACEBOOK, please send a friend request on Facebook; see our “Video & Media” Page for more information.

You are also invited to read my martial arts protocol, philosophy and ideology weblog for non-martial artists at WWW.SenseiJohn.Wordpress.Com.


15 Nov

Is physical conditioning applicable to fishing? The short answer is a resounding, “YES.” Further, I submit that an easy approach to physical conditioning is found in a Karate-based procedure known as “Sanchin.”

Sanchin Kata at the Lower Salt River, Arizona

As you may see in this video, filmed while fishing at Water Ranch Lake in Gilbert, Arizona, Sanchin is easily incorporated into your fishing regime.

I am always intrigued by the lack of physical conditioning of fisherman. Perhaps, the weekend angler may find an excuse in the fact that the sport of fishing, from his perspective, is merely an escape from the banality of the grind of everyday life. Assuming that such justification is correct, then, one may assume that at the opposite end of the fishing spectrum, that of the competitive tournament angler, the physicality of fishing would be of importance. Once again, I am surprised at how little a role one’s state of physical conditioning plays in fishing, even at this competitive level.

When I address physicality or the lack thereof, I refer to a minimum or slightly above minimum level of physical conditioning. I do not refer to athleticism in terms of being able to achieve physical feats above the status quo level of physical performance. Rather, I refer to the fact that many anglers fail to achieve their full fishing performance potential because they find themselves out-of-breath from a minimum level of physical exertion, suffering from aching joints, including the back, knees and ankles, from standing for so-called “extended” periods of time, suffering from aching shoulders, wrist and elbows from numerous casts and the like.

The question then, is how to achieve this level of physical conditioning without entering into a strict physical training regiment? Clearly, the stricter the training regiment, the less appealing it is to one who partakes of a “sedentary” activity such as fishing, even competitive fishing. The answer is relatively simple. First, maintain a physical existence in your daily life, second, physically prepare your self to fish, third, breath properly and efficiently and fourth have correct posture. Sanchin is the ONE procedure that incorporates all of these factors and more. Further, Sanchin takes less than three minutes to perform. SANCHIN can be performed regularly by ANYBODY, ANY PLACE and at ANY TIME. By instituting a simple regime of Sanchin, you will achieve an enhanced level of fishing-physicality.

I submit that if an angler pays attention to achieving a minimal level of physical conditioning, then the burden of the physicality of fishing will not impede their ability to achieve a level of performance that exceeds the stats quo. The idea that an angler should pay attention to the physicality of the sport of fishing is far from new or novel. Ernest Hemingway was not only a great writer, he was an avid outdoorsman and fisherman.

Big Game Fishing – a Hemingway favorite

He was acutely aware of the need, not for athleticism, but for good physical conditioning of fisherman. In an article entitled “The Great Blue River” published in 1949 in Holiday magazine, Hemingway had these observations and comments surrounding the state of big game fisherman.

. . . I have never lost a marlin nor a tuna to a shark. . . We try to fight them fast, but never rough. The secret is for the angler to never rest. Anytime he rests the fish is resting.

So now, say, you have this marlin down thirty feet, pulling as strong as a horse. . . He is as strong as a horse. Treat him like a horse. . . . You do not have to kill a horse to break him. You have to convince him, and that is what you have to do with a truly strong, big fish. . . To do this you have to be in good condition.

You have to be a fisherman, or at least in very good shape. . .  You don’t need to be an athlete. . You ought to be in good condition . . .

In almost any other sport requiring strength and skill to play or practice, those practicing the sport expect to now how to play it, to have at least moderate ability and to be in some sort of condition. In big game fishing they will come on board in ghastly shape, incapable of reeling in 500 yards of line, simply line, with no question of there being a fish on it, and yet full of confidence that they can catch a fish weighing twice or three times their weight. (See Endnote # 1).

Whether you are fishing from the shore, or a boat, fishing for trout or tarpon, you need to acquire a minimum degree of physical conditioning to enhance your fishing experience as a weekend angler, or “put more dollars in the livewell” as a competitive angler. Sanchin is an easy, convenient means of attaining that level of physical conditioning. Until the next article, I remain,

Sensei John


for purchase information, please visit my website at


1. Lyons, Nick, Hemingway On Fishing, (Nick Lyons Press, New York, NY, 2000) p. 146-149, originally published as “The Great Blue River” in Holiday magazine, July, 1949.

Sensei John is available for lectures on the interrelationship of fly fishing and martial arts protocol, ideology and philosophy. Please see the “LECTURES & LESSONS” Page tab above for more information.

Follow FLY FISHING DOJO on FACEBOOK, please send a friend request on Facebook; see our “Video & Media” Page for more information.

You are also invited to read my martial arts protocol, philosophy and ideology weblog for non-martial artists at WWW.SenseiJohn.Wordpress.Com.


4 Nov

Arizona, Valley Of The Sun, October, 2011, a wonderfully enjoyable month of fishing thanks to comfortable temperatures and the start of fall stocking by AZ Fishing and Game. The frequency of days spent on the water was less than preferred due to promotion, personal appearances and seminars related to my Sanchin Kata For Everyone DVD project (additional information is at the end of this article).

Jacket Art for my Sanchin Kata For Everyone DVD

As I enter November which marks the start of the stocking of rainbow trout, I have made a promise to myself to spend more time on the water notwithstanding my Sanchin commitments. PLEASE NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all fish were safely released after being photographed.

LOWER SALT RIVER, Tonto National Forest, AZ

Once again, the Lower Salt River returned to a natural state after being trod upon all summer by rafters, kayakers, swimmer, and beer swilled inhabitants. Pending trout stocking, fishing for bass was plentiful with bountiful bluegill and occasional carp.


With a few parking areas closed for the winter, it is often necessary to hike to your favorite fishing location. I find that the hike adds to the anticipation of the fishing experience and the desire to have a tug at the end of your line.

A welcome rain on the Lower Salt River

Below is the water flow chart for the Lower Salt River for the month from WWW.Watershedmonitor.Com.

CANYON LAKE, Tonto National Forest, AZ

Bass and panfishing was exceptional during October. Topwater action was extremely exciting. I was often thrilled with the results experienced by casting a dry deer hair frog amongst the reeds and rocks.

One planning note involves the Boulder Recreation Area. On two occasions, this area was closed for improvements; so, if you plan to fish at this location, there is a possibility you may be disappointed. On the two days the area was closed, I used the closing as an opportunity to scout locations that I had not fished and was pleasantly surprised.

Exploring Canyon Lake

SAGUARO LAKE, Tonto National Forest, AZ

Bass and panfish were also plentiful at Saguaro Lake. I did notice; however, that topwater, dry fly action was not as fruitful as at Canyon Lake. Having said that, my usual fly rig of a streamer (sparkle shad or muddler minnow) as a head fly and wet fly or nymph (bloody mary, red serendipity, rainbow warrior0 as a tail fly did not disappoint.


October fishing at the urban lakes meant one species – catfish. While most of the our fishing took place at Veteran’s Oasis Park (Chandler, AZ), we also fished at Water Ranch Lake (Gilbert, AZ) and Red Mountain Lake (Mesa, AZ).



For a very unique look at a historical aspect of fishing, you may wish to view “Fisherman As Warriors” by clicking this convenient link,

Until the next submission, I remain,

Sensei John

For additional information on my Sanchin DVD, here is a link to a free promotional video on You-Tube

Sensei John is available for lectures on the interrelationship of fly fishing and martial arts protocol, ideology and philosophy. Please see the “LECTURES & LESSONS” Page tab above for more information.

You can follow the DAILY adventures of FLY FISHING DOJO on FACEBOOK, See the Video & Media Page for details.

Please feel free to shop unique Fly Fishing Dojo products wear by clicking on the “SHOP” tab at the top of this page. This months new product – FFD LOGO CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT

You can obtain theis month’s product by clicking this convenient link:

Please feel free to view my other weblog dedicated to exploring martial arts ideology and concepts as they can be applied to daily life. You may visit the weblog at WWW.SENSEIJOHN.WORDPRESS.COM.