Archive | October, 2011


18 Oct

This update is just in from Sensei Bob, Fly Fishing Dojo’s NJ correspondent. The Ramapo River in New Jersey was stocked last Friday (October 14th) with approximately 800 brook and rainbow trout averaging 2 1/2 pounds. Notwithstanding this recent stocking, fishing was slow over the weekend due to high water conditions. Normally at this time of year, the Ramapo averages about 300 c.f.s. On Saturday, the river was running around 1,100 c.f.s. Several fisherman, including Sensei Bob, were on the water; however no-one was catching fish. No-one, that is, except for one lone vigilant fisherman that was lucky enough to catch two trout upstream from the group of fisherman. To the mental consternation of this group, the lone fisherman did not release the trout. Rather, this lone angler, decided to eat the trout on the spot. The lone angler – a local osprey.

The lone successful fisherman - an Osprey

Sensei Bob returned to the river Sunday to find that while flows were reduced, it was still flowing about 650 c.f.s. Fly fishing proved to be relatively fruitless in the faster, muddy water. The few trout that were caught were caught on spinning tackle using a variety of small gold spinners. Unlike the osprey, Sensei Bob released these trout.


Hopefully, the Ramapo flows will return to normal and the river will, once again, provide a glimpse into its watery treasures.

Thanks to Sensei Bob for this New Jersey update. Until the next article, I remain,

Sensei John

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